Consistent pricing is fundamental to the success of a print shop.
Providing quality products and services is also important in building profits, but your business must also earn the trust of clients by maintaining a similar price structure from month to month.
Like your print operation, your clients need to plan ahead on expenditures. Budgeting in advance enables an enterprise to meet revenue goals and pay bills.
Ordant, creators of an innovative print shop price estimating software, has made it easy for your shop to set consistent prices by helping you know your printing costs. Our print software solution is a management information system that keeps track of orders, revenue, and costs. With that information at your fingertips, your company can easily set profit-making prices that clients can be confident will remain consistent from order to order or month to month.
Ordant’s software also help print shops with pricing policies that are in transition. As Ordant’s price estimating software is set up for your printing business, your processes are comprehensively reviewed so all factors are incorporated – from simple print jobs to the most complex.
Once that cost and process data is compiled and analyzed, you’ll have the ability to set prices that reflect true value to your clients. Studies show that clients are willing to pay fair prices as long as the product or service is of high quality.
Consistent pricing is essential because it is about more than just numbers – it also reinforces the image of your company as a steady and reliable business partner. Consistent pricing displays the quality of management of your shop!
And as a side-note, here is a recommendation from Ordant: “Resist the urge to lower prices when business slows”. Clients will expect the lower prices to continue, even when orders pick up again, making it harder to capture the prices you need to make your business profitable again.
Find out how Ordant’s print software solution can help manage print order prices and other aspects of your print operation by viewing of our free print management software demo